config section

    [request_timeout: duration]
    [headers: headers]
    [keepalive: duration]
    [auto_buffer_start_size: unsigned integer]
    [bucket_size: duration]
    [log_provider_stats: duration]
    [watch_transition_time: duration]

The config section provides a means of customizing different parameters for the test. Parameters are divided into two subsections: client which pertains to customizations for the HTTP client and general which are other miscellaneous settings for the test.


  • request_timeout Optional - A duration signifying how long a request will wait for a response before it times out. Defaults to 60 seconds.
  • headers Optional - Headers which will be sent in every request. A header specified in an endpoint will override a header specified here with the same key.
  • keepalive Optional - The keepalive duration that will be used on TCP socket connections. This is different from the Keep-Alive HTTP header. Defaults to 90 seconds.


  • auto_buffer_start_size Optional - The starting size for provider buffers which are auto sized. Defaults to 5.
  • bucket_size Optional - A duration specifying how big each bucket should be for endpoints' aggregated stats. This also affects how often summary stats will be printed to the console. Defaults to 60 seconds.
  • log_provider_stats Optional - A boolean that enables/disabled logging to the console stats about the providers. Stats include the number of items in the provider, the limit of the provider, how many tasks are waiting to send into the provider and how many endpoints are waiting to receive from the provider. Logs data at the bucket_size interval. Set to false to turn off and not log provider stats. Defaults to true.
  • watch_transition_time Optional - A duration specifying how long of a transition there should be when going from an old load_pattern to a new load_pattern. This option only has an affect when pewpew is running a load test with the --watch command-line flag enabled. If this is not specified there will be no transition when load_patterns change.