Common types


A duration is an integer followed by an optional space and a string value indicating the time unit. Days can be specified with "d", "day" or "days", hours with "h", "hr", "hrs", "hour" or "hours", minutes with "m", "min", "mins", "minute" or "minutes", and seconds with "s", "sec", "secs", "second" or "seconds". Durations are templates, but can only be interpolated with variables defined in the vars section.


1h = 1 hour

30 minutes = 30 minutes

Multiple duration pieces can be chained together to form more complex durations.


1h45m30s = 1 hour, 45 minutes and 30 seconds

4 hrs 15 mins = 4 hours and 15 minutes

As seen above an optional space can be used to delimit the individual duration pieces.


Key/value pairs where the key is a string and the value is a template which specify the headers which will be sent with a request. Note that the host and content-length headers are added automatically to requests and any headers with the same name will be overwritten.

In an endpoints headers sub-section, a YAML null can be specified as the value which will unset any global header with that name. Because HTTP specs allow a header to be specified multiple times in a request, to override a global header it is necessary to specify the header twice in the endpoints headers sub-section, once with a null value and once with the new value. Not including the null value will mean the request will have the header specified twice.

For example:

  url: https://localhost/foo/bar
    Authorization: Bearer ${sessionId}

specifies that an "Authorization" header will be sent with the request with a value of "Bearer " followed by a value coming from a provider named "sessionId".


Templates are special string values which can be interpolated with expressions. Interpolation is done by enclosing the expression in ${ }. For example: ${foo}-bar creates a string where a value from a provider named "foo" is interpolated before the string value -bar. ${join(baz, ".")} uses the join helper to create a string value derived from a value coming from the provider "baz".