Namespace Gedcomx\Rs\Client\Util
Classes summary
AncestryNode | Represents an ancestor within an ancestry tree. |
AncestryTree | A model representation of ancestry. |
DataSource | A basic class for using various data sources with the artifacts and memories API. |
DescendancyNode | Represents a person, spouse, and descendancy in a tree. |
DescendancyTree | A model representation of descendancy. |
EmbeddedLinkLoader | This class extracts specific links from Gedcomx::getPersons() and Gedcomx::getRelationships(). Each of these are lists of instances that derive from SupportsLinks, thus the links are pulled directly from SupportsLinks getLinks(). It is important to note that not all links will be extracted. Only the following will be extracted by default: * CHILD_RELATIONSHIPS * CONCLUSIONS * EVIDENCE_REFERENCES * MEDIA_REFERENCES * NOTES * PARENT_RELATIONSHIPS * SOURCE_REFERENCES * SPOUSE_RELATIONSHIPS |
Embedding | Static method for embedding (merging) Gedcomx objects |
GedcomxBaseSearchQueryBuilder | This is the base search query builder class and provides helper functions for building syntactically correct search query strings. |
GedcomxPersonSearchQueryBuilder | This is a helper utility for building syntactically correct person search query strings. |
GedcomxPlaceSearchQueryBuilder | This is a helper utility for building syntactically correct place search query strings. |
HttpStatus | A helper class with a predefined list of HTTP status codes and names. |
RdfCollection | Represents an RDF specific collection. |
RdfNode | A decorator class to wrap the multiple class types that can exist in the ML\JsonLD\Quad object property and give them consistent accessor methods that can handle possible errors in the RDF data. |
SearchParameter | Represents a generic search parameter. |